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SAS First., Last. Syntax and uses with examples

In SAS, the FIRST. and LAST. automatic variables are used within a DATA step to identify the first and last occurrences of observations within a BY group. These variables are particularly useful when working with sorted data or when you need to perform specific...

Syntax and Uses of PROC steps such as PRINT, SORT, FREQ, MEANS, SUMMARY, and SQL

1. PROC PRINT: Syntax: PROC PRINT [DATA=dataset_name] [VAR variables]; Use: Prints the contents of a SAS dataset in a tabular format. You can specify a subset of variables to print using the VAR option. 2. PROC SORT: Syntax: PROC SORT DATA=dataset_name...

Explain SAS PDV step by step with a example

The Program Data Vector (PDV) is a critical concept in SAS programming, particularly in the context of the DATA step. It represents the current state of data processing during the execution of a DATA step. Let's delve into how the SAS PDV works in detail: 1....

SAS Reading and writing data- Important Points and Interview Question and Answers

SAS: Reading and Writing Data - Important Points and Interview Q&A Important Points: Reading Data: SAS offers various tools to read data from different sources: SAS datasets (.sas7bdat): Use the SET statement to read existing SAS datasets. CSV files: Use...

Mastering Data Analysis with Python Pandas: An Interactive Tutorial

Welcome to the ultimate guide for mastering data analysis with Python Pandas! Whether you're new to Pandas or looking to level up your skills, this interactive tutorial will cover everything you need to know to become proficient in data manipulation and analysis using...

Lists and Tuples in Python – Explained with loads of examples

What is List? Lists are a fundamental data structure in Python used to store collections of items. They are ordered, meaning elements have a defined sequence, and mutable, allowing you to modify their contents after creation. They are denoted by square brackets [ ],...

Database Structures, Types of Keys

Learn about tables, fields (or attributes), records, keys and table relationships. What is database structure? A database structure is the blueprint that defines how data is arranged ,organized, stored, accessed, and managed within a database. It's the underlying...

CRUD in SQL- Create Database, Create Table, Insert, Select, Update,Alter table, Delete

CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. It's a set of basic operations that are essential for managing data in a database or any persistent storage system. It refers to the four basic functions that any persistent storage application needs to perform....

SQL Data Types(Numeric, String & Date)- Default Values

SQL (Structured Query Language) supports various data types to represent different kinds of data. These data types define the format and constraints of the data stored in each column of a table. Here are some common SQL data types: Numeric Types: INT: Integer type,...

What is SQL, Data Database, DBMS , RDBMS, SQL Commands Categories

In this BlogPost we would like to define Most Basic Terms in SQL:- What is SQL, Data Database, DBMS , RDBMS. What is SQL? SQL is a language used for relational databases to query or get data out of a database. SQL is also referred to as SQL and is short for its...

Explain SAS PDV step by step with a example

The Program Data Vector (PDV) is a critical concept in SAS programming, particularly in the context of the DATA step. It represents the current state of data processing during the execution of a DATA step. Let's delve into how the SAS PDV works in detail: 1....

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Database Structures, Types of Keys

Learn about tables, fields (or attributes), records, keys and table relationships. What is database structure? A database structure is the blueprint that defines how data is arranged ,organized, stored, accessed, and managed within a database. It's the underlying...

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