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SAS project that involves merging, joining, transposing large tables, applying PROC SQL lead/rank functions, performing data validation with PROC FREQ, and incorporating error handling, macro variables, and macros for various functional tasks

Let us create a comprehensive SAS project that involves merging, joining, transposing large tables, applying PROC SQL lead/rank functions, performing data validation with PROC FREQ, and incorporating error handling, macro variables, and macros for various functional...

Error and Exception Handling in Python and to maintain a log table

Error and Exception Handling: Python uses exceptions to handle errors that occur during program execution. There are two main ways to handle exceptions: 1. try-except Block: The try block contains the code you expect to execute normally. The except block handles...

Adaptive Query Execution (AQE) in Apache Spark- Explain with example

Adaptive Query Execution (AQE) in Apache Spark 3.0 is a powerful feature that brings more intelligent and dynamic optimizations to Spark SQL on runtime statistics. By adapting the execution plan at runtime based on actual data statistics, AQE can provide significant...

How to train for Generative AI considering you have basic knowledge in Python. What should be the Learning path?

Training for Generative AI is an exciting journey that combines knowledge in programming, machine learning, and deep learning. Since you have a basic understanding of Python, you are already on the right track. Here’s a suggested learning path to help you progress: 1....

PySpark Project Alert:- Dynamic list of variables Creation for ETL Jobs

Let us create One or Multiple dynamic lists of variables and save it in dictionary or Array or other datastructure for further repeating use in Pyspark projects specially for ETL jobs. Variable names are in form of dynamic names for example Month_202401 to...

In How many ways pyspark script can be executed? Detailed explanation

PySpark scripts can be executed in various environments and through multiple methods, each with its own configurations and settings. Here’s a detailed overview of the different ways to execute PySpark scripts: 1. Using spark-submit Command The spark-submit command is...

Error handling, Debugging and custom Log table, status table generation in Pyspark

Error handling, debugging, and generating custom log tables and status tables are crucial aspects of developing robust PySpark applications. Here’s how you can implement these features in PySpark: 1. Error Handling in PySpark PySpark provides mechanisms to handle...

Project Alert: Automation in Pyspark

Here is a detailed approach for dividing a monthly PySpark script into multiple code steps. Each step will be saved in the code column of a control DataFrame and executed sequentially. The script will include error handling and pre-checks to ensure source tables are...

A DAG Stage in Pyspark is divided into tasks based on the partitions of the data. How these partitions are decided?

We know a stage in Pyspark is divided into tasks based on the partitions of the data. But Big Question is How these partions of data is decided? This post is succesor to our DAG Scheduler in Spark: Detailed Explanation, How it is involved at architecture Level. In...

What is PySpark DataFrame API? How it relates to Pyspark SQL

In PySpark, you can perform operations on DataFrames using two main APIs: the DataFrame API and the Spark SQL API. Both are powerful and can be used interchangeably to some extent. Here's a breakdown of key concepts and functionalities: 1. Creating DataFrames: you can...
Project Alert: Automation in Pyspark

Here is a detailed approach for dividing a monthly PySpark script into multiple code steps. Each step will be saved in the code column of a control DataFrame and executed sequentially. The script...

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