RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset) is the fundamental data structure in Apache Spark. It is an immutable, distributed collection of objects that can be processed in parallel across a cluster of machines.

Purpose of RDD

  1. Distributed Data Handling:
    • RDDs are designed to handle large datasets by distributing the data across multiple nodes in a cluster. This enables parallel processing and efficient data management.
  2. Fault Tolerance:
    • RDDs provide fault tolerance by maintaining lineage information, which is a record of the sequence of operations that created the dataset. If any part of the data is lost due to a node failure, Spark can use this lineage to recompute the lost partitions from the original data.
  3. In-Memory Computation:
    • RDDs allow data to be stored in memory, making them ideal for iterative algorithms that require multiple passes over the data. This in-memory storage significantly speeds up processing by reducing the need for disk I/O.
  4. Immutable Operations:
    • RDDs are immutable, meaning that once they are created, they cannot be altered. Any transformation on an RDD results in the creation of a new RDD. This immutability simplifies parallel processing by avoiding issues related to concurrent data modifications.

How RDD is Beneficial

  1. Parallel Processing:
    • RDDs are divided into partitions, with each partition being processed independently in parallel on different nodes of the cluster. This parallelism allows for faster data processing, especially for large datasets.
  2. Fault Tolerance:
    • The lineage graph of RDDs ensures that Spark can recover from node failures without needing to re-execute the entire job. This automatic recovery mechanism makes RDDs reliable for processing big data in distributed environments.
  3. Lazy Evaluation:
    • RDD transformations are lazily evaluated, meaning they are not executed immediately. Instead, Spark builds a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of transformations. The actual computation happens only when an action (e.g., count, collect, saveAsTextFile) is called. This lazy evaluation allows Spark to optimize the execution plan and avoid unnecessary computations.
  4. In-Memory Storage:
    • By storing intermediate results in memory, RDDs allow iterative and interactive computations to be much faster compared to traditional disk-based processing systems.
  5. Ease of Use:
    • RDDs provide a high-level API with operations like map, filter, reduce, and join, making it easy for developers to express complex data processing tasks. This API abstracts away the complexity of distributed computing, allowing users to focus on their application logic.
  6. Support for Diverse Data Sources:
    • RDDs can be created from various data sources such as local file systems, HDFS, Amazon S3, and NoSQL databases, providing flexibility in handling different types of data.

RDDs are the backbone of Apache Spark’s distributed computing capabilities. They enable scalable, fault-tolerant, and efficient processing of large datasets across a cluster. Their benefits include parallelism, fault tolerance, lazy evaluation, and in-memory computation, all of which contribute to making Spark a powerful tool for big data processing.

Let’s break down the process of how an RDD in Apache Spark is transformed and executed, going through the DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph), DAG Scheduler, Task Scheduler, YARN, and finally to the Executors.

Also we can add the concept of job execution in Apache Spark. A job in Spark is the highest-level unit of work that gets submitted to the Spark engine. Here’s how the process unfolds from RDD creation to job execution:

1. RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset)

  • RDD Creation: You start by creating RDDs, which can be done by loading data from sources like HDFS, S3, or local files. RDDs can undergo a series of transformations such as map, filter, and reduce. These transformations define the data flow but don’t trigger any computation immediately.

2. Job Submission

  • Triggering a Job: A job is triggered when an action (e.g., collect, count, saveAsTextFile) is called on an RDD or DataFrame. Actions force Spark to evaluate the transformations you’ve defined.
  • Job Definition: When an action is called, Spark creates a job corresponding to the action. This job is a high-level operation that involves multiple stages.

3. DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)

  • DAG Construction: Once the job is defined, Spark constructs a DAG of stages. The DAG represents the logical execution plan, showing how transformations depend on each other and how they can be broken down into stages.
  • Stages: Each stage in the DAG represents a group of tasks that can be executed together without requiring data to be shuffled. Stages are determined by shuffle operations, such as reduceByKey or groupBy.

4. DAG Scheduler

  • Stage Scheduling: The DAG Scheduler breaks down the job into stages and schedules them for execution. Stages are executed sequentially if they depend on each other or in parallel if they are independent.
  • Task Creation: Within each stage, the DAG Scheduler creates tasks, one for each partition of the data. The number of tasks equals the number of partitions in the RDD for that stage.

5. Task Scheduler

  • Task Dispatching: The Task Scheduler is responsible for assigning tasks to available executors. It considers factors like data locality (to minimize data transfer) and resource availability when dispatching tasks.
  • Task Execution: The Task Scheduler sends tasks to executors, which are processes running on worker nodes. Each task is a unit of execution corresponding to a partition of the data.

6. YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator)

  • Resource Allocation: If Spark is running on YARN, it requests resources (CPU, memory) from YARN’s Resource Manager. YARN allocates containers on the cluster nodes, which are used to run executors.
  • NodeManager: YARN’s NodeManagers manage the containers on each node, monitoring resource usage, health, and handling failures.

7. Executors

  • Task Execution: Executors are the JVM processes running on worker nodes that execute the tasks. Each executor runs tasks in parallel (one task per CPU core) and uses the allocated memory to store data and intermediate results.
  • In-Memory Computation: Executors perform computations on the data, typically in-memory, which allows Spark to efficiently handle iterative algorithms and interactive queries.
  • Fault Tolerance: If a task fails (due to hardware issues, for example), the DAG Scheduler can reschedule the task on another executor using the lineage information of the RDD to recompute the data.

8. Job Execution Flow

  • Stage Execution: The job execution starts with the first stage, which runs its tasks on the available executors. Once a stage completes, the results are either passed to the next stage or returned to the driver.
  • Data Shuffling: If a stage boundary involves a shuffle (repartitioning of data across the cluster), Spark redistributes the data across executors, which can introduce network overhead.
  • Final Stage and Action: The final stage of a job usually involves writing the results to storage (e.g., HDFS, S3) or returning them to the driver (in the case of actions like collect).

9. Completion and Result Handling

  • Job Completion: Once all stages of a job are successfully completed, the job is marked as complete. The results of the action that triggered the job are either returned to the user (in the case of actions like collect) or saved to storage.
  • Driver Program: The Spark driver program monitors the execution of the job, collecting the results and handling any errors or retries if tasks or stages fail.

How These Components Work Together:

  1. Job Submission: When an action is triggered, Spark submits a job.
  2. DAG Construction: Spark constructs a DAG of stages based on the job’s transformations.
  3. DAG Scheduling: The DAG Scheduler breaks down the DAG into stages and creates tasks.
  4. Task Scheduling: The Task Scheduler sends tasks to executors based on data locality and resource availability.
  5. Resource Allocation (YARN): If using YARN, Spark requests resources and YARN allocates containers.
  6. Task Execution: Executors on worker nodes execute the tasks, processing data and returning results.
  7. Job Completion: The driver receives the final results, and the job is marked as complete.


  • A job is a top-level Spark operation triggered by an action. Spark breaks the job down into stages and tasks using a DAG.
  • The DAG Scheduler schedules these stages, while the Task Scheduler dispatches tasks to executors.
  • YARN handles resource allocation, and executors perform the actual computations.
  • Spark ensures fault tolerance through task retries and uses in-memory computation for speed.
  • The job completes when all stages are successfully executed and results are returned or saved.

RDDs Limitation and Why Dataframes!!

While RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets) are powerful and offer several advantages in Apache Spark, they do have limitations that led to the development and widespread use of DataFrames and Datasets. Below are some of the key limitations of RDDs and why DataFrames are often preferred:

Limitations of RDDs

  1. Lack of Optimization:
    • No Query Optimization: RDDs do not have built-in optimizations like query planning or execution optimization. Operations on RDDs are not optimized, which can lead to inefficient execution plans and longer processing times.
    • Manual Optimization Required: Developers need to manually optimize RDD operations by tuning various parameters, which can be complex and error-prone.
  2. Verbose Code:
    • Low-Level API: RDDs provide a low-level API that requires developers to write detailed code for even simple operations. This can make the code verbose and harder to maintain.
    • Complex Data Processing: When dealing with complex data processing tasks, RDDs require more lines of code compared to higher-level abstractions like DataFrames.
  3. Performance Overhead:
    • Serialization and Deserialization: RDDs incur overhead due to the need to serialize and deserialize data between nodes in the cluster, especially when using custom objects or non-primitive data types.
    • Memory Usage: RDDs tend to use more memory because they do not provide automatic optimization for memory usage and can lead to inefficient memory management.
  4. No Built-in Schema:
    • Lack of Schema: RDDs do not have a built-in schema, meaning that Spark does not have knowledge about the structure of the data. This makes it difficult to perform certain types of optimizations or enforce data integrity.
    • Difficult Data Manipulation: Without a schema, operations like filtering, joining, and aggregating data become more cumbersome and error-prone, requiring developers to manually handle data types.
  5. Limited Interoperability with SQL:
    • No SQL Interface: RDDs do not natively support SQL queries. Integrating SQL processing with RDDs requires converting them to DataFrames or writing custom code, which can be inefficient and complicated.
  6. No Support for Catalyst Optimizer:
    • No Optimization Framework: RDDs do not benefit from the Catalyst Optimizer, which is used in Spark SQL to optimize DataFrame operations. This means that RDD operations are generally slower and less efficient compared to operations on DataFrames.

Why DataFrames are Preferred

  1. Catalyst Optimizer:
    • Optimized Execution Plans: DataFrames benefit from the Catalyst Optimizer, which automatically generates optimized execution plans. This results in faster and more efficient query execution.
  2. Ease of Use:
    • High-Level API: DataFrames provide a high-level API with built-in operations for data manipulation, which makes the code more concise and easier to read.
    • SQL Queries: DataFrames support SQL queries, allowing users to leverage their SQL knowledge for data processing tasks, which is particularly useful for complex analytics.
  3. Schema and Type Safety:
    • Structured Data: DataFrames come with a schema that defines the structure of the data, enabling more efficient data processing and easier data manipulation.
    • Type Safety: In languages like Scala, Datasets (a type-safe version of DataFrames) provide compile-time type checking, reducing runtime errors and improving code safety.
  4. Interoperability:
    • Seamless SQL Integration: DataFrames can be seamlessly integrated with SQL, allowing for complex queries and operations to be expressed in SQL syntax.
    • Data Source Integration: DataFrames offer better integration with various data sources, including structured data formats like Parquet, ORC, and Avro.
  5. Performance:
    • Memory Optimization: DataFrames are optimized for memory usage, often leading to more efficient memory management compared to RDDs.
    • Automatic Caching: DataFrames can be automatically cached in memory, improving performance for iterative queries and operations.

While RDDs provide the foundational abstraction for distributed data processing in Spark, they come with certain limitations, particularly around performance, ease of use, and lack of optimization. DataFrames address these limitations by offering a higher-level, optimized API that is easier to use, more efficient, and better integrated with SQL and structured data processing. As a result, DataFrames have become the preferred choice for most Spark applications.

Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) and DataFrames- Both provide mechanisms for manipulating and analyzing data, but they differ in structure and operations. Here’s a breakdown of transformations, actions, and execution:

1. RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets):

  • Represent an immutable collection of data objects partitioned across a cluster of machines.
  • Offer fault tolerance: if a worker node fails, the data can be recomputed from other nodes.


  • Operations that create a new RDD from an existing one. They are lazy (don’t trigger computation until an action is called). Common transformations include:
    • map(func): Applies a function to each element in the RDD.
    • filter(func): Creates a new RDD containing only elements that satisfy a condition defined by the function.
    • flatMap(func): Similar to map but allows a function to return multiple elements for each input element.
    • join(otherRDD, func): Joins two RDDs based on a specified function.
    • groupBy(func): Groups elements together based on the output of the function.


  • Operations that return a result or perform a side effect on the RDD. They trigger the actual computation on the cluster. Common actions include:
    • collect(): Gathers all elements of the RDD to the driver program (potentially large for big datasets).
    • count(): Returns the total number of elements in the RDD.
    • first(): Returns the first element in the RDD.
    • foreach(func): Applies a function to each element in the RDD on the worker nodes.
    • saveAsTextFile(path): Saves the RDD as a text file.


  • Transformations are applied lazily, building a lineage of operations.
  • When an action is called, the lineage is traversed, and the actual computation happens on the cluster in stages.

2. DataFrames:

  • Built on top of RDDs, providing a more structured and SQL-like interface for data manipulation.
  • Offer columnar data storage for efficient querying.


  • Similar to RDD transformations but operate on DataFrames with column-level operations. Common transformations include:
    • select(col1, col2): Selects specific columns.
    • filter(condition): Filters rows based on a condition.
    • join(otherDF, condition): Joins two DataFrames based on a specified condition.
    • groupBy(col): Groups rows by a specific column.
    • orderBy(col, ascending=True): Orders rows by a column in ascending or descending order.


  • Similar to RDD actions but work on DataFrames. Common actions include:
    • collect(): Gathers all rows of the DataFrame to the driver program.
    • count(): Returns the total number of rows in the DataFrame.
    • show(): Displays a limited number of rows in the DataFrame.
    • write.csv(path): Saves the DataFrame as a CSV file.


  • Transformations are generally optimized for DataFrames, leading to potentially faster execution compared to RDDs.
  • Similar to RDDs, actions trigger the computation on the cluster.

In summary:

  • Use RDDs for low-level data manipulation and when you need maximum control over data processing.
  • Use DataFrames for more structured data, leveraging SQL-like operations and potentially better performance for common data analysis tasks.

RDD Transformations and Actions


Transformations create a new RDD from an existing one. They are lazy and are not executed until an action is called.

mapApplies a function to each elementrdd.map(lambda x: x * 2)
filterFilters elements based on a predicaterdd.filter(lambda x: x > 10)
flatMapSimilar to map but each input item can be mapped to 0 or more output itemsrdd.flatMap(lambda x: x.split(" "))
unionReturns a new RDD containing the union of elementsrdd1.union(rdd2)
distinctReturns a new RDD with distinct elementsrdd.distinct()
groupByKeyGroups the values for each key in the RDDrdd.groupByKey()
reduceByKeyMerges values for each key using an associative functionrdd.reduceByKey(lambda x, y: x + y)
sortBySorts the RDD by the given key functionrdd.sortBy(lambda x: x)
joinJoins two RDDs by their keysrdd1.join(rdd2)


Actions trigger the execution of transformations and return a result.

collectReturns all elements as a listrdd.collect()
countReturns the number of elements in the RDDrdd.count()
firstReturns the first elementrdd.first()
takeReturns the first n elementsrdd.take(5)
reduceAggregates elements using an associative functionrdd.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y)
saveAsTextFileSaves the RDD as a text filerdd.saveAsTextFile("path/to/file")
countByKeyReturns the count of each keyrdd.countByKey()

DataFrame Transformations and Actions


DataFrame transformations are lazy and return a new DataFrame.

selectSelects a set of columnsdf.select("name", "age")
filter/whereFilters rows based on a conditiondf.filter(df['age'] > 21)
groupByGroups rows by a columndf.groupBy("age").count()
aggPerforms aggregationdf.groupBy("age").agg({"salary": "avg"})
joinJoins two DataFramesdf1.join(df2, "id")
withColumnAdds or replaces a columndf.withColumn("new_col", df['existing_col'] * 2)
dropDrops a columndf.drop("column_name")
distinctReturns distinct rowsdf.distinct()
orderBySorts rows by a columndf.orderBy("age", ascending=False)


DataFrame actions trigger the execution of transformations and return a result.

showDisplays the top rows of the DataFramedf.show(5)
collectReturns all rows as a list of Row objectsdf.collect()
countReturns the number of rowsdf.count()
firstReturns the first rowdf.first()
takeReturns the first n rowsdf.take(5)
writeWrites the DataFrame to storagedf.write.csv("path/to/file")
describeComputes basic statisticsdf.describe().show()
toPandasConverts the DataFrame to a Pandas DataFramedf.toPandas()

Execution Operations

Execution operations involve how Spark processes and schedules the tasks.

Lazy EvaluationTransformations are recorded and optimized but not executed until an action is called.
DAG SchedulerConverts the logical plan into a physical execution plan and breaks it into stages.
Task SchedulerSchedules tasks within each stage to run on different nodes in the cluster.
Caching/PersistenceStores intermediate results in memory or disk to speed up future computations.
ShuffleRedistributes data across the cluster, often needed by operations like groupByKey and join.

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