Explain SAS PDV step by step with a example

The Program Data Vector (PDV) is a critical concept in SAS programming, particularly in the context of the DATA step. It represents the current state of data processing during the execution of a DATA step. Let’s delve into how the SAS PDV works in detail:

1. Compilation Phase:

  • Variable Attributes: During the compilation phase of a DATA step, SAS reads the input dataset and determines the attributes of each variable (e.g., name, type, length).
  • PDV Creation: Based on the variables and their attributes, SAS creates a logical area in memory called the Program Data Vector (PDV).
  • PDV Initialization: The PDV is initialized with placeholders for each variable, and the attributes (e.g., length, type) are assigned accordingly.

2. Execution Phase:

  • Observation Processing: During the execution phase, SAS processes each observation from the input dataset one by one.
  • PDV Update: As SAS reads each observation, it updates the values of variables in the PDV based on the values in the input dataset.
  • Automatic Variables: SAS automatically creates several variables in the PDV, such as _N_ (observation number), _ERROR_ (error flag), _CHARACTER_ (number of character variables), and _NUMERIC_ (number of numeric variables).

3. Statement Execution:

  • Order of Operations: SAS executes statements within the DATA step in a specific order: input, assignment, and output.
  • Input Phase: Input statements read data from the input dataset and update values in the PDV.
  • Assignment Phase: Assignment statements modify values in the PDV based on calculations, transformations, or conditions.
  • Output Phase: Output statements write the values in the PDV to the output dataset.

4. Retain Statement:

  • Persisting Values: The RETAIN statement in SAS allows you to persist values across iterations of the DATA step by preventing the automatic resetting of variables in the PDV.
  • Initialization: Variables specified in the RETAIN statement are initialized once and retain their values across multiple iterations of the DATA step.

5. Output Dataset:

  • Final Dataset: After processing all observations, SAS writes the values in the PDV to the output dataset.
  • Variable Retention: Variables not explicitly outputted are retained in the PDV but not written to the output dataset.
  • Dataset Options: You can use dataset options (e.g., DROP, KEEP) to control which variables are included in the output dataset.


data output_dataset;
retain count 0; /* Initialize and retain value of 'count' variable */
set input_dataset;
count + 1; /* Increment 'count' variable for each observation */
output; /* Output current observation to output dataset */

In this example, the PDV is updated with each observation from the input dataset. The RETAIN statement initializes the count variable once, and the count + 1 statement increments its value for each observation. Finally, the output statement writes the values in the PDV to the output dataset.

Understanding the SAS PDV is crucial for effectively manipulating data in SAS, as it provides insight into how data is processed and transformed during a DATA step. Mastering the concepts related to the PDV allows you to write efficient and accurate SAS programs for data processing and analysis.

Let’s walk through the SAS Program Data Vector (PDV) step by step with an example.

Suppose we have a dataset named input_data with the following structure:

Copy codeID   Name    Age
1    John    25
2    Alice   30
3    Bob     28

And we want to create a new dataset output_data with an additional variable Age_Group based on the Age variable. Here’s how we can achieve this using a DATA step and understanding the PDV:

Step 1: Compilation Phase

During the compilation phase, SAS reads the DATA step program and creates the PDV based on the variables and their attributes.

data output_data; /* Start of the DATA step */
set input_data; /* Read input dataset */
if Age < 30 then Age_Group = 'Young'; /* Create new variable Age_Group */
else Age_Group = 'Old';
run; /* End of the DATA step */

Step 2: Execution Phase

During the execution phase, SAS processes each observation from the input dataset one by one and updates the PDV accordingly.

Observation 1:

Copy codeID   Name    Age
1    John    25
  • SAS reads the observation and updates the values in the PDV:
    • ID: 1
    • Name: John
    • Age: 25
  • It evaluates the condition if Age < 30 then Age_Group = 'Young'; and assigns the value ‘Young’ to Age_Group.
  • The PDV now looks like:Copy codeID Name Age Age_Group 1 John 25 Young

Observation 2:

Copy codeID   Name    Age
2    Alice   30
  • SAS reads the observation and updates the values in the PDV:
    • ID: 2
    • Name: Alice
    • Age: 30
  • It evaluates the condition if Age < 30 then Age_Group = 'Young'; and assigns the value ‘Old’ to Age_Group.
  • The PDV now looks like:sqlCopy codeID Name Age Age_Group 2 Alice 30 Old

Observation 3:

Copy codeID   Name    Age
3    Bob     28
  • SAS reads the observation and updates the values in the PDV:
    • ID: 3
    • Name: Bob
    • Age: 28
  • It evaluates the condition if Age < 30 then Age_Group = 'Young'; and assigns the value ‘Young’ to Age_Group.
  • The PDV now looks like:Copy codeID Name Age Age_Group 3 Bob 28 Young

Step 3: Output Dataset

After processing all observations, SAS writes the values in the PDV to the output dataset output_data.

sqlCopy codeID   Name    Age   Age_Group
1    John    25    Young
2    Alice   30    Old
3    Bob     28    Young

In this example, we see how the PDV is updated with each observation and how new variables are created and updated based on the conditions specified in the DATA step. Understanding the PDV is crucial for accurately processing and transforming data in SAS programs.

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