Syntax and Uses of PROC steps such as PRINT, SORT, FREQ, MEANS, SUMMARY, and SQL


  • Syntax: PROC PRINT [DATA=dataset_name] [VAR variables];
  • Use: Prints the contents of a SAS dataset in a tabular format. You can specify a subset of variables to print using the VAR option.


  • Syntax: PROC SORT DATA=dataset_name OUT=sorted_dataset_name [BY variables];
  • Use: Sorts a SAS dataset based on one or more variables specified in the BY option. The sorted data is written to a new dataset (optional).

PROC SORT is used to rearrange the observations in a SAS dataset in ascending or descending order based on the values of specified variables.


PROC SORT DATA=input_dataset OUT=output_dataset;
  • DATA: Specifies the input dataset to be sorted.
  • OUT: Specifies the name of the output dataset containing sorted observations.
  • BY: Specifies the variable(s) by which the dataset will be sorted. You can specify one or more variables, separated by spaces.
    • ASCENDING: Sorts in ascending order (default).
    • DESCENDING: Sorts in descending order.


Suppose we have a dataset named sales with variables Product_ID, Date, and Revenue. We want to sort the dataset by Product_ID in ascending order and by Date in descending order. Here’s how we can do it:

sasCopy codePROC SORT DATA=sales OUT=sales_sorted;
    BY Product_ID Date DESCENDING;

In this example:

  • The input dataset is sales.
  • The output dataset containing sorted observations will be named sales_sorted.
  • The observations will be sorted first by Product_ID in ascending order and then by Date in descending order.

Options and Additional Functionality:

  • NODUPKEY: Removes duplicate observations based on the BY variables.
  • DUPOUT: Creates a separate dataset containing duplicate observations.
  • NODUPREC: Removes completely duplicate observations.
  • TAGSORT: Optimizes the sorting process for large datasets.
  • OUTNOBS: Creates a dataset containing the number of observations in the input and output datasets.


  • Organizes data for easier analysis and reporting.
  • Improves efficiency by facilitating data retrieval and processing.
  • Provides a foundation for various data manipulation tasks in SAS.

PROC SORT is a versatile and efficient tool for sorting data in SAS, enabling users to organize and analyze datasets effectively for a wide range of applications


  • Syntax: PROC FREQ DATA=dataset_name [TABLES variables];
  • Use: Calculates frequency tables for categorical variables. The TABLES option specifies the variables for which you want frequency counts. It can also generate crosstabulations between variables.


  • Syntax: PROC MEANS DATA=dataset_name [VAR variables] [BY variables];
  • Use: Calculates descriptive statistics (mean, median, standard deviation, etc.) for numeric variables. You can specify variables to analyze and optionally group the analysis by another variable using BY.


  • Syntax: PROC SUMMARY DATA=dataset_name [VAR variables] [BY variables];
  • Use: Provides more comprehensive summary statistics than PROC MEANS, including percentiles, quartiles, and extreme values. Similar options for variable selection and BY groups are available.


PROC SUMMARY and PROC MEANS are both SAS procedures used for computing summary statistics from data, but they have some differences in functionality and syntax. Here’s an overview of each:


  • Purpose: PROC SUMMARY is used to compute summary statistics for one or more variables in a dataset.
  • Syntax:sasCopy codePROC SUMMARY DATA=input_dataset; VAR variable(s); OUTPUT OUT=output_dataset options; RUN;
  • Options:
    • VAR: Specifies the variable(s) for which summary statistics are calculated.
    • OUTPUT OUT=output_dataset: Creates an output dataset containing summary statistics.
    • Other options include MEAN, SUM, N, MIN, MAX, etc., to specify the statistics to calculate.
  • Flexibility: PROC SUMMARY offers more flexibility in terms of the statistics that can be calculated compared to PROC MEANS.
  • Output: The output dataset contains one observation for each combination of BY variables, with summary statistics calculated for each combination.


  • Purpose: PROC MEANS is used to compute basic summary statistics (mean, sum, min, max, etc.) for one or more variables in a dataset.
  • Syntax:PROC MEANS DATA=input_dataset; VAR variable(s); OUTPUT OUT=output_dataset options; RUN;
  • Options:
    • VAR: Specifies the variable(s) for which summary statistics are calculated.
    • OUTPUT OUT=output_dataset: Creates an output dataset containing summary statistics.
    • Other options include MEAN, SUM, N, MIN, MAX, etc., to specify the statistics to calculate.
  • Simplicity: PROC MEANS is simpler to use for basic summary statistics compared to PROC SUMMARY.
  • Default Behavior: By default, PROC MEANS calculates the same statistics for all variables specified in the VAR statement.


  • Flexibility: PROC SUMMARY offers more flexibility in terms of specifying statistics and grouping variables using BY statements.
  • Output Structure: PROC SUMMARY produces one observation for each combination of BY variables, while PROC MEANS produces a single observation with summary statistics for all specified variables.
  • Usage: PROC SUMMARY is preferred when you need more control over the output structure or when calculating specific statistics for different subsets of data. PROC MEANS is suitable for basic summary statistics across all observations.

In summary, both PROC SUMMARY and PROC MEANS are valuable tools for calculating summary statistics in SAS, but PROC SUMMARY provides more flexibility and control over the output structure, while PROC MEANS is simpler and more straightforward for basic summary statistics. Choose the procedure that best fits your specific analysis needs and reporting requirements.


  • Syntax: PROC SQL; /* Followed by SQL statements */
  • Use: Allows you to interact with SAS datasets using standard SQL syntax. You can perform various operations like selecting, filtering, joining, and aggregating data within SAS.

Here’s a table summarizing the key points:

PROC StepDescriptionKey OptionOutput
PRINTPrints dataset contentsVAR (specify variables)Tabular report
SORTSorts dataBY (sorting variables)Sorted dataset (optional)
FREQCalculates frequency tablesTABLES (variables for tables)Frequency tables, crosstabulations
MEANSCalculates descriptive statisticsVARBY (variables, grouping)Summary statistics report
SUMMARYProvides comprehensive summary statisticsVARBY (variables, grouping)More detailed summary statistics report
SQLExecutes SQL queries on SAS datasetsSQL statements within the procedureResult set based on the SQL query

Additional Notes:

  • These are just a few of the many PROC steps available in SAS. Each procedure has its own set of options and functionalities.
  • You can find detailed documentation for each PROC step in the SAS documentation or online resources.

By understanding the syntax and uses of these PROC steps, you can effectively perform various data manipulation and analysis tasks in your SAS programs.

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